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Target by ID​

Returns the target identified by the requested ID.

Path Parameters
    targetId string required

    unique identifier of the target.


Target successfully retrieved

    target object
    targetId string

    ID is the read-only unique identifier of the target.

    details object

    Details provide some base information (such as the last change date) of the target.

    sequence uint64

    on read: the sequence of the last event reduced by the projection

    on manipulation: the timestamp of the event(s) added by the manipulation

    changeDate date-time

    on read: the timestamp of the last event reduced by the projection

    on manipulation: the timestamp of the event(s) added by the manipulation

    resourceOwner resource_owner is the organization or instance_id an object belongs to
    name string

    Unique name of the target.

    restWebhook object

    Wait for response but response body is ignored, status is checked, call is sent as post.

    interruptOnError boolean

    Define if any error stops the whole execution. By default the process continues as normal.

    restCall object

    Wait for response and response body is used, status is checked, call is sent as post.

    interruptOnError boolean

    Define if any error stops the whole execution. By default the process continues as normal.

    restAsync object

    Call is executed in parallel to others, ZITADEL does not wait until the call is finished. The state is ignored, call is sent as post.

    timeout string

    Timeout defines the duration until ZITADEL cancels the execution.

    endpoint string