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External Authentication Flow

This flow is executed if the user logs in using an identity provider.

The flow is represented by the following Ids in the API: FLOW_TYPE_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION and 1

Post Authentication​

A user has authenticated externally. ZITADEL retrieved and mapped the external information.

The trigger is represented by the following Ids in the API: TRIGGER_TYPE_POST_AUTHENTICATION or 1.

Parameters of Post Authentication Action​

  • ctx
    The first parameter contains the following fields
    • accessToken string
      The access token returned by the identity provider. This can be an opaque token or a JWT
    • refreshToken string
      The refresh token returned by the identity provider if there is one. This is most likely to be an opaque token.
    • claimsJSON() idTokenClaims
      Returns all claims of the id token
    • getClaim(key) Any
      Returns the requested id token claim
    • idToken string
      The id token provided by the identity provider.
    • v1
      • externalUser() externalUser
      • authError string
        This is a verification errors string representation. If the verification succeeds, this is "none"
      • authRequest auth request
      • httpRequest http request
      • providerInfo Any
        Returns the response of the provider. In case the provider is a Generic OAuth Provider, the information is accessible through:
        • rawInfo Any
      • org
  • api
    The second parameter contains the following fields
    • v1
      • user
        • appendMetadata(string, Any)
          The first parameter represents the key and the second a value which will be stored
    • setFirstName(string)
      Sets the given name
    • setLastName(string)
      Sets the family name
    • setNickName(string)
      Sets the nickname
    • setDisplayName(string)
      Sets the display name
    • setPreferredLanguage(string)
      Sets the preferred language. Please use the format defined in RFC 5646
    • setPreferredUsername(string)
      Sets the preferred username
    • setEmail(string)
      Sets the email address of the user
    • setEmailVerified(boolean)
      Sets the email address verified or unverified
    • setPhone(string)
      Sets the phone number of the user
    • setPhoneVerified(boolean)
      Sets the phone number verified or unverified
    • metadata
      Array of metadata. This function is deprecated, please use api.v1.user.appendMetadata

Pre Creation​

A user selected Register on the overview page after external authentication. ZITADEL did not create the user yet.

The trigger is represented by the following Ids in the API: TRIGGER_TYPE_PRE_CREATION or 2.

Parameters of Pre Creation​

  • ctx
    The first parameter contains the following fields
  • api
    The second parameter contains the following fields
    • metadata
      Array of metadata. This function is deprecated, please use api.v1.user.appendMetadata
    • setFirstName(string)
      Sets the given name
    • setLastName(string)
      Sets the family name
    • setNickName(string)
      Sets the nick name
    • setDisplayName(string)
      Sets the display name
    • setPreferredLanguage(string)
      Sets the preferred language, the string has to be a valid language tag as defined in RFC 5646
    • setGender(int)
      Sets the gender.
      • 0: unspecified
      • 1: female
      • 2: male
      • 3: diverse
    • setUsername(string)
      Sets the username
    • setEmail(string)
      Sets the email
    • setEmailVerified(bool)
      If true the email set is verified without user interaction
    • setPhone(string)
      Sets the phone number
    • setPhoneVerified(bool)
      If true the phone number set is verified without user interaction
    • v1
      • user
        • appendMetadata(string, Any)
          The first parameter represents the key and the second a value which will be stored

Post Creation​

A user selected Register on the overview page after external authentication and ZITADEL successfully created the user.

The trigger is represented by the following Ids in the API: TRIGGER_TYPE_POST_CREATION or 3.

Parameters of Post Creation​