Introducing bmpartner


In this short interview with Gregory Blaser we introduce our consulting partner Blaser Meewes & Partner, in short bmparter. Bmpartner is a boutique-consultancy in Switzerland, with focus on in IT strategy and delivery management. They specialize in large and complex IT projects, IT strategy consulting, and digitalization of sales departments and client facing business units.

Gregory Blaser provides more detail about bmpartner, why identity & access management is relevant for their clients, and how the partnership with CAOS strenghtens the value for clients. He highlights three important points at the end of the inverview for customers that want to tackle their identity & access management challenges: Don't underestimate the challenge and address it early on, break with old patterns whenever possible, and build internal know-how during the process.

Topics covered

  • Introduction (00:00)
  • About bmpartner (00:15)
  • The ideal client (01:22)
  • Relevance of identity & access management (02:17)
  • Partnership with CAOS (04:54)
  • Important points in IAM projects (06:32)


bmpartner is our consulting partner. We work together to deliver complex and large scale IT strategy and implementation projects. CAOS provides additional expertise in the field of identity and access management. Gregory Blaser is managing partner of bmpartner.

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