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Technical Advisory 10006

Date and Version​

Version: 2.39.0

Date: Calendar week 41/42 2023


Versions >= 2.39.0 require the cockroach database user of ZITADEL to be granted to the VIEWACTIVITY grant. This can either be reached by grant the role manually or execute the zitadel init command.

Cockroach versions 22.2 < 22.2.11 and 23.1 < 23.1.4 will fail the migration. Please make sure to upgrade to more recent versions first. ZITADEL recommends to use the latest stable version of Cockroachdb.


To query correct order of events the cockroach database user of ZITADEL needs additional privileges to query the crdb_internal.cluster_transactions-table


Before migrating to versions >= 2.39.0 make sure the cockroach database user has sufficient grants.

Cockroachdb version is up to date.


If the user doesn't have sufficient grants, events won't be updated.