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Usage Control

If you have a self-hosted ZITADEL environment, you can limit the usage of your instances. For example, if you provide your customers their own virtual instances with access on their own domains, you can design a pricing model based on the usage of their instances. The usage control features are currently limited to the instance level only.

Block Instances​

You can block an instance using the system API.

Most requests to a blocked instance are rejected with the HTTP status 429 Too Many Requests or the gRPC status 8 Resource Exhausted. However, requests to the system API are still allowed. Requests to paths with the prefix /ui/login return a redirect with HTTP status 302 Found to /ui/console, where the user is guided to InstanceManagementURL. Blocked HTTP requests additionally set a cookie to make it easy to block traffic before it reaches your ZITADEL runtime, for example with a WAF rule.

You can block new instances by default using the DefaultInstance.Limits.Block runtime configuration. The following snippets shows the default YAML:

# If Block is true, all requests except to /ui/console or the system API are blocked and /ui/login is redirected to /ui/console.
# /ui/console shows a message that the instance is blocked with a link to Console.InstanceManagementURL

Limit Audit Trails​

You can restrict the maximum age of events returned by the following APIs:

You can set a global default limit as well as a default limit for new virtual instances in the ZITADEL configuration. The following snippets shows the defaults:

# AuditLogRetention limits the number of events that can be queried via the events API by their age.
# A value of "0s" means that all events are available.
# If an audit log retention is set using an instance limit, it will overwrite the system default.
# AuditLogRetention limits the number of events that can be queried via the events API by their age.
# A value of "0s" means that all events are available.
# If this value is set, it overwrites the system default unless it is not reset via the admin API.

You can also set a limit for a specific virtual instance using the system API.


Quotas enables you to limit usage and/or register webhooks that trigger on configurable usage levels for certain units. For example, you might want to report usage to an external billing tool and notify users when 80 percent of a quota is exhausted.

ZITADEL supports limiting authenticated requests and action run seconds with quotas.

For using the quotas feature you have to activate it in your ZITADEL configurations Quotas section. The following snippets shows the defaults:

# If enabled, authenticated requests are counted and potentially limited depending on the configured quota of the instance
ExhaustedCookieKey: "zitadel.quota.exhausted" # ZITADEL_QUOTAS_ACCESS_EXHAUSTEDCOOKIEKEY
# If enabled, all action executions are counted and potentially limited depending on the configured quota of the instance

Once you have activated the quotas feature, you can configure quotas for your virtual instances using the system API or the DefaultInstances.Quotas section. The following snippets shows the defaults:

# Items take a slice of quota configurations, whereas, for each unit type and instance, one or zero quotas may exist.
# The following unit types are supported

# "requests.all.authenticated"
# The sum of all requests to the ZITADEL API with an authorization header,
# excluding the following exceptions
# - Calls to the System API
# - Calls that cause internal server errors
# - Failed authorizations
# - Requests after the quota already exceeded

# "actions.all.runs.seconds"
# The sum of all actions run durations in seconds
# - Unit: "requests.all.authenticated"
# # From defines the starting time from which the current quota period is calculated.
# # This is relevant for querying the current usage.
# From: "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"
# # ResetInterval defines the quota periods duration
# ResetInterval: 720h # 30 days
# # Amount defines the number of units for this quota
# Amount: 25000
# # Limit defines whether ZITADEL should block further usage when the configured amount is used
# Limit: false
# # Notifications are emitted by ZITADEL when certain quota percentages are reached
# Notifications:
# # Percent defines the relative amount of used units, after which a notification should be emitted.
# - Percent: 100
# # Repeat defines, whether a notification should be emitted each time when a multitude of the configured Percent is used.
# Repeat: true
# # CallURL is called when a relative amount of the quota is used.
# CallURL: ""

Exhausted Authenticated Requests​

If a quota is configured to limit requests and the quotas amount is exhausted, all further authenticated requests are blocked except requests to the system API. Also, a cookie is set, to make it easier to block further traffic before it reaches your ZITADEL runtime, for example with a WAF rule. The console is still served, but it only shows a dialog that says that the instance is blocked with a link to InstanceManagementURL.

Exhausted Action Run Seconds​

If a quota is configured to limit action run seconds and the quotas amount is exhausted, all further actions will fail immediately with a context timeout exceeded error. The action that runs into the limit also fails with the context timeout exceeded error.