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Java is a general-purpose programming language designed for object-oriented programming. Spring Security is used to protect your applications from unauthorized access, protect sensitive data, and enforce access control policies. Get started integrating authentication to your Java Web App or API by checking out our zitadel-java Example


Java SDK​

Java Spring Security is a widely used and common framework to integrate Authentication and Authorization into your Applications. As of this at the moment there is no specific ZITADEL SDK, but we do show you how to integrate ZITADEL with Java Spring Security. You can use this for both your Web as for your API Applications.

The following features are covered by Java Spring Security:

  • Authenticate your user using OIDC
  • Requesting ZITADEL userinfo endpoint to get user data
  • Refresh Token
  • Requesting User Roles from userinfo
  • Check if user has specified role
  • Logout

The goal is to have a ZITADEL Java SDK in the future which will cover the following:

  • Wrapper around Java Spring Security
  • Authentication with OIDC
  • Authorization and checking Rolls
  • Integrate ZITADEL APIs to read and manage resources
  • Integrate ZITADEL Session API to create your own login UI

Java Examples​

Web Application Example​

What does the Web Application Example include:

  • Home Page with Login Button
  • Authenticating user with OIDC PKCE Flow
  • Public Page: Accessible without authentication
  • Private Page: Shows user information of authenticated user, only accessible after login
  • Task Page: Only accessible after login and uses the API example. Requires the admin role for the application for some interaction.
  • Logout

Example Web App with Spring Security

API Application Example​

What does the API Application Example include:

  • REST API Application secured with Spring Security and OAuth2
  • Public Endpoint: Accessible without authentication
  • Private Endpoint: Accessible with a token
  • Administrator Endpoint: Accessible with a token of a user with admin role

Example API App with Spring Security

Step-By-Step Guide​

For Java Spring we do have two different Step-By-Step Guides. One to create your web application with integrated login and one to create your API with permission checks for calling users. The guides lead you through the whole process from configuring the right application in ZITADEL to a ready application with integrated login or authentication checks.

Web Application Guide​

After completing the Step-By-Step Guide you will have:

  1. Example Web Application with integrated ZITADEL Login
  2. Example page accessible by authenticated user showing retrieved user information
  3. Example page accessible by authenticated user showing task list
    • Task list can be read by authenticated user
    • New tasks can be created by user with admin role
  4. Logout
  5. Correct setup for your application in ZITADEL

Web APP Step-By-Step Guide Profile Page

API Application Guide​

After completing the Step-By-Step Guide you will have:

  1. Example REST API checking tokens against ZITADEL with OAuth2
  2. Public Endpoint accessible by any user
  3. Private Endpoint accessible by authenticated user
  4. Private Endpoint accessible by user with role 'admin'
  5. Correct setup for your application in ZITADEL

API APP Step-By-Step Guide