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Feature Restrictions

New self-hosted and ZITADEL Cloud instances are unrestricted by default. Self-hosters can change this default using the DefaultInstance.Restrictions configuration section. Users with the role IAM_OWNER can change the restrictions of their instance using the Feature Restrictions Admin API. Currently, the following restrictions are available:

  • Disallow public organization registrations - If restricted, only users with the role IAM_OWNERS can create new organizations. The endpoint /ui/login/register/org returns HTTP status 404 on GET requests, and 409 on POST requests.
  • AllowedLanguages - The following rules apply if languages are restricted:
    • Only allowed languages are listed in the OIDC discovery endpoint /.well-kown/openid-configuration.
    • Login UI texts are only rendered in allowed languages.
    • Notification message texts are only rendered in allowed languages.
    • Custom Texts can be created for disallowed languages as long as ZITADEL supports that language. Therefore, all texts can be customized before allowing a language.

Feature restrictions for an instance are intended to be configured by a user that is managed within that instance. However, if you are self-hosting and need to control your virtual instances usage, read about the APIs for limits and quotas that are intended to be used by system users.