Claims in ZITADEL
ZITADEL asserts claims on different places according to the corresponding specifications or project and clients settings. Please check below the matrix for an overview where which scope is asserted.
Claims | Userinfo | Introspection | ID Token | Access Token |
acr | No | No | Yes | No |
act | No | After Token Exchange with actor_token | After Token Exchange with actor_token | When JWT and after Token Exchange with actor_token |
address | When requested | When requested | When requested and response_type id_token | No |
amr | No | No | Yes | No |
aud | No | Yes | Yes | When JWT |
auth_time | No | No | Yes | No |
azp (client_id when Introspect) | No | Yes | Yes | When JWT |
When requested | When requested | When requested and response_type id_token | No | |
email_verified | When requested | When requested | When requested and response_type id_token | No |
exp | No | Yes | Yes | When JWT |
family_name | When requested | When requested | When requested and response_type id_token | No |
gender | When requested | When requested | When requested and response_type id_token | No |
given_name | When requested | When requested | When requested and response_type id_token | No |
iat | No | Yes | Yes | When JWT |
iss | No | Yes | Yes | When JWT |
jti | No | Yes | No | When JWT |
locale | When requested | When requested | When requested and response_type id_token | No |
name | When requested | When requested | When requested and response_type id_token | No |
nbf | No | Yes | No | When JWT |
nonce | No | No | When provided in the authorization request 1 | No |
phone | When requested | When requested | When requested and response_type id_token | No |
phone_verified | When requested | When requested | When requested and response_type id_token | No |
preferred_username (username when Introspect) | When requested | When requested | Yes | No |
sid | No | No | Yes | No |
sub | Yes | Yes | Yes | When JWT |
urn:zitadel:iam:org:domain:primary:{domainname} | When requested | When requested | When requested | When JWT and requested |
urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:roles | When requested | When requested | When requested or configured | When JWT and requested or configured |
urn:zitadel:iam:user:metadata | When requested | When requested | When requested | When JWT and requested |
urn:zitadel:iam:user:resourceowner:id | When requested | When requested | When requested | When JWT and requested |
urn:zitadel:iam:user:resourceowner:name | When requested | When requested | When requested | When JWT and requested |
urn:zitadel:iam:user:resourceowner:primary_domain | When requested | When requested | When requested | When JWT and requested |
Standard Claimsβ
Claims | Example | Description |
acr | TBA | TBA |
act | {"iss": "$CUSTOM-DOMAIN","sub": "259241944654282754"} | JSON object describing the actor from the actor_token after token exchange |
address | Lerchenfeldstrasse 3, 9014 St. Gallen | TBA |
amr | pwd mfa | Authentication Method References as defined in RFC8176 password value is deprecated, please check pwd |
aud | 69234237810729019 | The audience of the token, by default all client id's and the project id are included |
auth_time | 1311280969 | Unix time of the authentication |
azp | 69234237810729234 | Client id of the client who requested the token | | Email Address of the subject | |
email_verified | true | Boolean if the email was verified by ZITADEL |
events | { "": {} } | Security Events such as Back-Channel Logout |
exp | 1311281970 | Time the token expires (as unix time) |
family_name | Runner | The subjects family name |
gender | other | Gender of the subject |
given_name | Road | Given name of the subject |
iat | 1311280970 | Time of the token was issued at (as unix time) |
iss | $CUSTOM-DOMAIN | Issuing domain of a token |
jti | 69234237813329048 | Unique id of the token |
locale | en | Language from the subject |
name | Road Runner | The subjects full name |
nbf | 1311280970 | Time the token must not be used before (as unix time) |
nonce | blQtVEJHNTF0WHhFQmhqZ0RqeHJsdzdkd2d... | The nonce provided by the client |
phone | +41 79 XXX XX XX | Phone number provided by the user |
phone_verified | true | Boolean if the phone was verified by ZITADEL |
preferred_username | | ZITADEL's login name of the user. Consist of username@primarydomain |
sid | 291693710356251044 | String identifier for a session. This represents a session of a user agent for a logged-in end-User. Different sid values are used to identify distinct sessions at an OP. |
sub | 77776025198584418 | Subject ID of the user |
Custom Claimsβ
Custom claims are being inserted into user tokens in addition to the standard claims. Your app can use custom claims to handle more complex scenarios, such as restricting access based on these claims.
You can add custom claims using the complement token flow of the actions feature.
Multiple examples of Actions that result in custom claims can be found in our Marketplace for ZITADEL Actions.
Static values as custom claimβ
Metadata as custom claimβ
Format roles claimsβ
Reserved Claimsβ
ZITADEL reserves some claims to assert certain data. Please check out the reserved scopes.
Claims | Example | Description |
urn:zitadel:iam:action:{actionname}:log | {"urn:zitadel:iam:action:appendCustomClaims:log": ["test log", "another test log"]} | This claim is set during Actions as a log, e.g. if two custom claims with the same keys are set. |
urn:zitadel:iam:org:domain:primary:{domainname} | {"urn:zitadel:iam:org:domain:primary": ""} | This claim represents the primary domain of the organization the user belongs to. |
urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:roles | {"urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:roles": [ {"user": {"id1": "", "id2": ""} } ] } | When roles are asserted, ZITADEL does this by providing the id and primaryDomain below the role. This gives you the option to check in which organization a user has the role on the current project (where your client belongs to). |
urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:{projectid}:roles | {"urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id3:roles": [ {"user": {"id1": "", "id2": ""} } ] } | When roles are asserted, ZITADEL does this by providing the id and primaryDomain below the role. This gives you the option to check in which organization a user has the role on a specific project. |
urn:zitadel:iam:roles:{rolename} | TBA | TBA |
urn:zitadel:iam:user:metadata | {"urn:zitadel:iam:user:metadata": [ {"key": "VmFsdWU=" } ] } | The metadata claim will include all metadata of a user. The values are base64 encoded. |
urn:zitadel:iam:user:resourceowner:id | {"urn:zitadel:iam:user:resourceowner:id": "orgid"} | This claim represents the id of the resource owner organisation of the user. |
urn:zitadel:iam:user:resourceowner:name | {"urn:zitadel:iam:user:resourceowner:name": "ACME"} | This claim represents the name of the resource owner organisation of the user. |
urn:zitadel:iam:user:resourceowner:primary_domain | {"urn:zitadel:iam:user:resourceowner:primary_domain": ""} | This claim represents the primary domain of the resource owner organisation of the user. |
The nonce can also be used to distinguish between an id_token and a logout_token as latter must never include a nonce. β©