machine jwt profile grant benchmark of zitadel v2.70.0
The performance goals of this issue are reached. Next we will test linear scalability.
Performance test resultsβ
Metric | Value |
Baseline | none |
Purpose | Test current performance |
Test start | 09:48 UTC |
Test duration | 30min |
Executed test | machine_jwt_profile_grant |
k6 version | v0.57.0 |
VUs | 600 |
Client location | US1 |
ZITADEL location | US1 |
ZITADEL container specification | vCPU: 6 Memory: 6 Gi Container min scale: 2 Container max scale: 7 |
ZITADEL Version | v2.70.0 |
Database | type: psql version: v17.2 |
Database location | US1 |
Database specification | vCPU: 8 memory: 32Gib |
ZITADEL metrics during test | |
Observed errors | |
Top 3 most expensive database queries | 1: Write events using eventstore.push function 2: Query user 3: Query events by instance id, aggregate type, aggregate id, event types, owner |
k6 Iterations per second | 1806 |
k6 output | output |
flowchart outcome | Scale out |
Endpoint latenciesβ
k6 outputβ
β openid configuration
β token status ok
β³ 99% β β 3289559 / β 5
β access token returned
β³ 99% β β 3289559 / β 5
β setup
β user defined
β authorize status ok
β login name status ok
β login shows password page
β password status ok
β password callback
β code set
β token status ok
β access token created
β id token created
β info created
β org created
β create user is status ok
β generate machine key status ok
β teardown
β org removed
checks...............................: 99.99% 6580931 out of 6580941
data_received........................: 4.8 GB 2.6 MB/s
data_sent............................: 2.8 GB 1.5 MB/s
http_req_blocked.....................: min=110ns avg=53.66Β΅s max=937.62ms p(50)=420ns p(95)=660ns p(99)=989ns
http_req_connecting..................: min=0s avg=22.26Β΅s max=532.7ms p(50)=0s p(95)=0s p(99)=0s
http_req_duration....................: min=16.42ms avg=323.71ms max=3.4s p(50)=209.85ms p(95)=903.86ms p(99)=1.01s
{ expected_response:true }.........: min=16.42ms avg=323.71ms max=3.4s p(50)=209.85ms p(95)=903.85ms p(99)=1.01s
http_req_failed......................: 0.00% 5 out of 3291974
http_req_receiving...................: min=18.23Β΅s avg=1.73ms max=913.21ms p(50)=73.15Β΅s p(95)=8.73ms p(99)=29.35ms
http_req_sending.....................: min=17.54Β΅s avg=53.13Β΅s max=501.66ms p(50)=46.07Β΅s p(95)=75.92Β΅s p(99)=120.24Β΅s
http_req_tls_handshaking.............: min=0s avg=29.45Β΅s max=657.29ms p(50)=0s p(95)=0s p(99)=0s
http_req_waiting.....................: min=3.84ms avg=321.92ms max=3.4s p(50)=206.45ms p(95)=901.97ms p(99)=1.01s
http_reqs............................: 3291974 1807.469453/s
iteration_duration...................: min=18.62ms avg=328.21ms max=3.41s p(50)=215.77ms p(95)=907.48ms p(99)=1.01s
iterations...........................: 3289564 1806.146234/s
login_ui_enter_login_name_duration...: min=131.65ms avg=131.65ms max=131.65ms p(50)=131.65ms p(95)=131.65ms p(99)=131.65ms
login_ui_enter_password_duration.....: min=18.55ms avg=18.55ms max=18.55ms p(50)=18.55ms p(95)=18.55ms p(99)=18.55ms
login_ui_init_login_duration.........: min=68.72ms avg=68.72ms max=68.72ms p(50)=68.72ms p(95)=68.72ms p(99)=68.72ms
login_ui_token_duration..............: min=77.56ms avg=77.56ms max=77.56ms p(50)=77.56ms p(95)=77.56ms p(99)=77.56ms
oidc_token_duration..................: min=16.42ms avg=323.79ms max=3.4s p(50)=209.87ms p(95)=903.91ms p(99)=1.01s
org_create_org_duration..............: min=38.42ms avg=38.42ms max=38.42ms p(50)=38.42ms p(95)=38.42ms p(99)=38.42ms
user_add_machine_key_duration........: min=23.47ms avg=280.32ms max=851.94ms p(50)=304.18ms p(95)=437.53ms p(99)=443.37ms
user_create_machine_duration.........: min=63.91ms avg=406.02ms max=663.96ms p(50)=437.61ms p(95)=518.85ms p(99)=521.88ms
vus..................................: 425 min=0 max=600
vus_max..............................: 600 min=600 max=600
running (30m21.3s), 000/600 VUs, 3289564 complete and 0 interrupted iterations
default β [======================================] 600 VUs 30m0s